Day 3 - Houston, February 25, 2021


Blurfed is gone. It took one second! Let me share the good news, because I’m breathing again: rehearsing!!! We who love what we do will recover in seconds. Just give us the opportunity! An explosion of energy: flamenco! Quiebres, pasos, postales, mantilla y abanicos. Tables, chairs and a walking stick.

Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, break…. again!
Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, break…. again!

Masks, visors… and then, touch. Sweating, chemistry, distance and yes, contact. Dancers seducing the air around them

Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch…. again!
Step, kick, kick, leap, kick, touch…. again!

I think it rained today. The air feels clear. I can breathe again….

HGO-Suit Española